How to Keep Your Skin from Aging 

Unless you have discovered the fountain of youth, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t profusely care for your skin day after day. If you’re in your late 30s and 40s, then you have to be more rigorous with your skin care habits. There are really no shortcuts to it.  

It’s because you can’t stop the natural aging process anyway. What you can do instead is preserve your skin’s natural look for many years to come. It may take a lot of work but all your efforts will be rewarded in the end. Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure that your skin stays young for a very long time.  

1. Wear sunscreen. 

You never know where the UV rays of the sun are because you don’t really see it. They may even be present even it seems cloudy outside. SPF creams, lotions, or moisturizers are daily essentials. Forget about the notion that you’ll need SPF only when you’re going to the beach. The failure to wear adequate sunscreen may lead to wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. 

2. Wash your face every night. 

As a matter of fact, you must wash your face twice every day, one in the morning and then at night. There’s no excuse for not washing your face before you sleep. If you don’t, you’re actually sleeping with all the makeup, dirt, and pollution still present in your skin. All of these will contribute to a lot of damaging skin conditions such as aging, roughness, dry skin, and uneven complexion, among others.  

3. Use a skin care serum. 

Serums and moisturizers are two different things. Serums are less dense so it can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. As a matter of fact, many medical dermatology specialists recommend the use of the serum first before applying a moisturizer. That way, all the goodness of the serum will be trapped deep into the skin.  

4. Apply moisturizer liberally.  

As stated previously, applying moisturizer is necessary to ensure that your skin gets the necessary hydration that it needs to combat skin issues such as acne, inflammation, sensitivity, and dullness. Your skin needs a daily dose of moisture regardless of what skin type you have. Just find the one that suits your skin’s condition the most.  

5. Use all skin care products properly.  

Every skin care product is different so make sure that you take the time to read the label. If you fail to use the product as directed, then you may not get the best results out of it. If you’re buying a complete system of skin care products, then you must know the correct order in which they must be used.  

6. Start an anti-aging routine.  

Every day, you have to do all these things in the right order: cleanse, tone, and moisturize. You may also need to put on an eye cream or some spot treatments on the heavily wrinkled areas of your skin. This routine will definitely do a lot of wonders on your skin.  

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